King Oscar has an almost 150-year long history that is uniquely Norwegian in heritage. In 1903, King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway gave special royal permission for the brand to use his name because he loved the sardines so much.
A social media effort pushes existing sardine eaters to take a “personality quiz” on a King Oscar Canned Heritage microsite to find out their Norwegian alter-ego and in turn receive a coupon for a King Oscar product.
The extra push through social media to the microsite is a coupon. Through a lighthearted “personality quiz,” sardine-eaters will be matched with a new recipe and an imagined Norwegian personality. The imagined personas connect with King Oscar II's intriguing and accomplished royal family line, rooting the brand and sardine eaters in Norwegian heritage. In addition, innovative sardine recipes are matched with each Norwegian personality, further stimulating positive ideas about the product.
Upon completing the Norwegian royal personality quiz, microsite visitors will be able to redeem a King Oscar coupon and then have the option to share their quiz results via Facebook. Featuring consumers’ quiz results and the coupon incentive, the King Oscar Facebook page facilitates a genuine interaction between the brand and consumer.